Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Government is the Problem, Not the Solution

Why don't we ever learn from history? It is clear that Obama has dreams of becoming the next FDR by issuing a similar stimulus package as the New Deal but on a bigger scale. What critics seem to not understand is the New Deal had no positive impact on the Great Depression. It had no impact on unemployment what so ever. As a matter of fact, the New Deal prolonged the Great Depression and added unnecessary debt on the backs of taxpayers. One could assume that the US would have never experienced a depression if we let the market cleanse the bad debt after the stock bubble burst in 1929. It was the Fed that created the bubble and it was the government that believed they could avoid the consequences of this policy by more intervention. I find it ridiculous that the Federal Reserve was created on the belief that they would prevent severe economic contractions. Sixteen years later, our country experienced a depression. Letting the market handle the situation would have ensured a recession instead of a depression. When are we going to learn that government is the problem, not the solution? I guess its going to take trillions of dollars of debt, a devalued currency, loss of liberties, bigger government, and high unemployment for us to wake up and realize that the New Deal was a failure and so was Obama's stimulus package.

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